Saturday 28 April 2018

Food Cover - 6

Found these straw... ;) nope... glass bead berries at Looksharp once. They didn't come with leaves. I have glued them (hot glue) along with some artificial ivy leaves 

Thursday 4 January 2018

Floating Turtles

No automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.Image may contain: outdoor and water

I used foam from take away containers instead of card for base, to make the turtles float. 

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Dad's New Project

Dad lives at Elizabeth Knox Rest home. He looks forward for our visits. I usually visit him on Wednesdays since I don't work that day. Chris and I visit him each Sunday after mass. Dad knows my sister-in-law is free on Mondays. He expects us to visit him on theses days but he has had trouble keeping track of days.

Saw this setup in Dad's room today. My brother had already told me about it and also had showed a photo of it. I wondered how he managed to type it.
(This is the last week's diary of Mum. Mum passed away on the 18th of October 2017. She had left this sheet in her drawer neatly folded.)

Dad has used one of those - trimmed it to the right size then stuck cut smiley faces :-) to cover the dates. He has covered the printed side; used last month's calendar to get the Sunday.

The whole setup is stuck to the whiteboard with a magnet. Another magnet with an arrow on it is moved every morning by Dad.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

A Spicy Frame

Image may contain: plant
rocks - dry ginger
fruit on the ground - all spice
trunk - cinnamon
stems - rosemary
leaves - cut from fresh bay leaves
buds - cloves
flowers - split cardamoms
aphids - kasakasaa (sabja / basil seeds)
sprigs of flowers - dill seeds

Saturday 30 December 2017

Food cover - 5

Image may contain: plant and table
I used artificial green apples and ivy leaves to decorate this six segmented blue food umbrella. Hot glued making sure the frame doesn't catch the glue.